Crazy Fashions at Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week

New York Fashion Week bid its last chic adieu last night. London fashion Week is kicking up its heels. But let’s not forget the frivolity and fashion that’s just taking off at the Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week

From penis pants to kooky movie-like costumes, designer Isabel Mastache has the guys covered in some crazy fashions at Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week for Fall 2010.

>> For more wearable looks from the runway, visit our fashion show section

We’re going to have some fun here, because frankly how else can you describe these weird clothes?

Could the

Could the “Hurt Locker” hurt more?

“Where the Wild Things” were found

Scarecrow from the

Scarecrow from the “Wizard of Odd”

Crazy Fashions at Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week Crazy Fashions at Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week Crazy Fashions at Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week Crazy Fashions at Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week Crazy Fashions at Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week
Crazy Fashions at Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week Crazy Fashions at Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week Crazy Fashions at Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week Crazy Fashions at Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week Crazy Fashions at Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week


Photos, this page only, Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week/

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