Megan Fox gets white right and puts some edge in her Grecian gown…

How to wear the hot summer one-shoulder trend

Megan Fox gets white right and puts some edge in her Grecian gown…
How to wear the hot summer one-shoulder trend

There’s in no doubt that Megan Foxis a gorgeous wow of a sexpot with a twist to the edgy– see mega Marilyn Monroe tattoo on her forearm. But what is really outstanding is the way that she rocked her white one-shoulder Grecian gown by Kaufman Franco at the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen premiere.

A white one-shoulder gown can get a bit prom if not cut in just the right way. Megan’s was modern, fresh, and impeccably styled in a very downtown meets glam way. Note the rather rad addition of a black leather double-wrap belt. That subtle touch of unfussiness instantly ups the cool factor, even though she is also wearing a chunky diamond bracelet and large hoop earrings. The jumbo cocktail rings adds interest rather than tacky glitz. It all works to create a look that is very personal and not cookie-cutter boring.

But how often do you get to walk the red carpet or even have the opportunity to wear a gown? Not so much. So lets’ take the elements of Megan Fox’s red carpet look and make it wearable for every day.

Inspiration Board to wear Megan Fox’s one-shoulder look for day:


Kitson at ShopStyle

Try a white one-shoulder T-shirt or jersey top that has a bit of blousiness to it like the top of Megan’s gown. Wear it with something simple like a white denim pencil skirt. And, don’t forget the double-wrap, low-slunk belt in black or brown. With the brown try large hammered gold hoops, and for black go glam with Lucite and crystal accents. Either way, you have one hot summer look inspired by Megan Fox and right for your lifestyle!

Shop hot one-shoulder white looks:

–June 23, 2009

Albert L. Ortega / PR Photos

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