My Wonderful World of Fashion, a coloring book for fashion addicts

A book for drawing, creating, and dreaming… and doodling while stuck on hold on the phone too!

A book for drawing, creating, dreaming… and doodling while stuck on hold on the phone too!

Yes, you can judge a book by its cover. There are some things that you really love for nothing more than their aesthetic. But when looks are combined with fun, hey that’s something to toy with!

My Wonderful World of Fashion, A Book for Drawing, Creating, and Dreaming by Nina Chakrabarti (Laurence King Publishing, U.K.) sets forth in a simple cover that recalls a bored student who ripped off the top of a composition book, scribbled all over it, and set it safe with some neon pink tape from the arts supply store. It’s artsy and whimsical in an art student way and worthy of a stylish spot on your nightstand or desk.

My Wonderful World of Fashion pages 28 -29

The book brims with fashion doodles waiting for you to color. It’s more than an ordinary coloring book, My Wonderful World of Fashion is packed with quirky quips, DIY inspiration, vintage and contemporary designs, and historical fashion notes all in Ms.Charabarti’s imaginative and light hearted illustration style that has served Vogue, Habitat, French Connection, and Marks and Spencer.

My Wonderful World of Fashion pages 250-251

The book is promoted as for those from 8 years to college years, but I think it’s a cute gift for anyone with an interest to color and who wants something fun to doodle while left on hold waiting for the next booking agent to come on the line. Crayons, markers, and colored pencils not included.

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