body shape

Advanced Beauty: Strawberry Laser Lipo shrinks an inch of belly fat at lunch

Think of this as Spanx that's a part of you. Strawberry Laser Lipo treatment is a non-invasive inch-loss and body contouring treatment that shrinks stubborn fat cells. The treatment is fast and mindless as you lay down with space-age looking paddles strapped to you for a 10-20 minute treatment. The unwanted fat is then naturally released from the body via the lymphatic system. It's followed up by a quick session on a vibration plate exercise machine that impressed me so that I instantly looked it up to buy for myself. I tried one session of the recommended eight session Strawberry Laser protocol and lost an inch off my midsection with Carmen Fernandez the Aesthetician at MedSpa 44 in New York. Not bad

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Dress For Your Body Type: What is a flattering fit for large arms

Let's help this reader discover tops that flatter fuller arms  I have large upper arms and would like to know what kind, type, and style of shirt or blouse to wear that is flattering or draws the eye away from my full arms. With warm weather coming, I can't hide under sweaters anymore. I am 43, and not really overweight, small chested, but my arms are big. Thanks. (Colorado Springs, CO) >> DON'T MISS: Dress for Your Body Type Flattering Fit Fashion & Style Guide Guns vs girth, the upper arm dilemma! Whether your arms are large from bursting muscles, a little extra weight, not perfectly toned, or simply your basic body type finding the right style tops to flatter

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