Designer Water: Take 2

Glaceau Vitamin Water Move over Evian, there's something new in designer water. Ka-lunk!!! That's the sound of the server's jaw careening to the floor after being informed that tap water would be just fine. Call me kooky, but sometimes I'm simply not in the mood for H2O from The Water List. Then other times, I crave the bottled pleasure. Now, you can up the cool factor a notch. Energy Brands Glaceau Vitamin Water rehydrates, quenches your thirst, and refuels with vitamins all at the same time, plus it's kind of groovy colored. Love the kiwi-strawberry, vitamin A and Ginkgo "Focus," it's guaranteed to help you Focus On Style. Okay, so that's wishful thinking, but it sure tastes great! Glaceau Vitamin

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